OTS Xtrain
Computer based training
Computer assisted induction and
further training of X-ray inspection
system operators can be considered
as essentially a two step process:
The objective of training sessions is to exercise the acquired knowledge so that routines and safeguards are fixed in mind before they are used in real security control situations. It is only possible to assess the actual level of knowledge of security personnel if training is conducted under controlled conditions. The results of objectively verifiable train ing sessions reveal valuable informa tion on possible gaps in knowledge and therefore, enable planning of better targeted and more effective training measures. The success of training programmes crucially depends on the degree of reality present in the exercise and training environment. Computer based training systems (CBT) can only produce permanent improvements in the reliability of security monitoring if the training environment reflects real-life conditions at an X-ray inspection system as closely as possible.
OTS Xtrain
The OTS 1 and OTS 2 modules from
Heimann Systems offer powerful
training systems that are specifically
matched to HI-SCAN X-ray inspection
systems. Xtrain extends the OTS
system, making it a training and testing
module that corresponds almost
exactly to reality.
OTS Xtrain is based on the HiTraX system platform of the HI-SCAN X-ray inspection systems and therefore contains all the prerequisites for optimal operator training and effective monitoring of its success.
Unlike conventional training tools, the OTS Xtrain module does not try to imitate the real-life system, more or less realistically, using PC based soft ware.Instead, OTS Xtrain accesses the actual hardware and software resources of the real X-ray inspection system. This ensures that there is absolutely no difference between training and live operation in terms of system behaviour and control features.
OTS Xtrain is not a real-life system simulator. OTS Xtrain is the real-life system.
Operating modes
The training module can be used in
two different operating modes.
In On-the-Job training, a pushbutton on the X-ray system is pressed to switch it into training mode. The operator can work through pre determined training and testing tasks. If need be, the system can be switch ed back to normal operation at any point, without any loss of time. Used in conjunction with a VIEW:X workstation, Xtrain also becomes a stand-alone training facility. The VIEW:X workstation contains all the components that drive the operator controls and image processing functions of the X-ray inspection system. This means that even as a separate training facility, OTS Xtrain works with the real X-ray inspection system software and image pro c essing hardware. By incorporating the OTS 1 and OTS 2 modules, "classroom" training systems with networked trainer and trainee workstations can be implemented.
System up-dating
A major problem of all training
systems is keeping them up-to-date.
Each additional function or version
upgrade of the X-ray inspection system
has to be incorporated into the
training system.
Training in the new functions of the real system can then only be provided when they have been developed and programmed into the training system. There is a further problem when simulation software is applied, in that, standard PCs either cannot or can only inad equately simulate High-end image processing functions, especially the latest generation (e.g. X-ACT, HI-SPOT). Realistic training in these functions using a simulator is, therefore impossible or severely restricted.
This problem does not exist with OTS Xtrain.
Every additional function or X-ray system up-grade is immediately available in OTS Xtrain without any extra work needing to be done. The same is true for OTS Xtrain equipped with VIEW:X training workstations. Each software update to the X-ray system can be down load ed 1:1. The real-life software and training software releases are always identical. Subsequent develop ment of the training soft ware is not necessary. Training is provided in new functions, that are based on hardware and software components only available in the real-life system, without any compromises in terms of functionality and the degree of realism.
System configuration
Menu driven configuration puts the
system administrator in the position
to create and modify training modules.
When doing so, he can make use of
both the image data bank supplied
with the software and introduce new
picture objects.
All the important interpretation
parameters, e.g. sentencing time or
image display rate, can be individually
Reporting system
Individual users are allocated reporting
forms, from which conclusions can
be drawn, in terms of the effectiveness
of the security checks. Analysis
of the reports gives valuable insights
into gaps in individual knowledge and
therefore enables planning of targeted
and effective training measures.